Sony Ericsson Experia Arc

High Definition.

iPad 3

New Edition of iPads and Mini iPads are now available.

Samsung Camera

NX200 20.3 Megapixel

PlayStation Phone

The Android-based phone will test the limits of gaming on mobile devices.

Sceptre has new 32″ LED HDTV for the masses

Also known as the Scpetre E325BV-HD.

Electric Fan Without Blades

Dyson Air Multiplier. . .

Nowadays, as the technology arises,so many devices and gadgets are changing and improving but their purpose is still the same. And this is the new product of the technology, the Electric Fan,take note this is not an ordinary fan that has a blades, this fan has not blades. This fan is what they call Dyson Air Multiplier. This are the advantages of this fan compared to the regular fans:
  • Produces an uninterrupted stream of smooth air.
  • Doesn’t cause unpleasant buffeting as seen in conventional fans.

and so many more. . .

NX200 20.3 Megapixel Samsung Camera

NX200 20.3 Megapixel Samsung Camera. . .

NX200 20.3 Megapixel Samsung Camera is a compact and is capable of High Speed Capture 7fps. This compact camera can record video in High Definition. This camera can be buy for low price.

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